Tip Cleaner Sets - Cutting Tip Resurfacing Tool - Tip Drill - (6 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 191Inquire at SIWSEA.Drill Kit, For Gas Welding & Cutting Tips, complete.Page 138
2. AT-TRTInquire at SIWSEA.Refacing Tool, Cutting Tip, Thrif-T-Line.Page 138
3. KTCInquire at SIWSEA.Tip Cleaner, Set, For Gas Welding & Cutting Tips, King (Extra Long).Page 138
4. STCInquire at SIWSEA.Tip Cleaner, Set, For Gas Welding & Cutting Tips, Standard.Page 138
5. TCLDInquire at SIWSEA.Obsolete Use # KTC, Tip Cleaner, Set, Spiral, For Gas Welding & Cutting Tips, Extra Long.Page 138
6. TCSDInquire at SIWSEA.Obsolete Use #STC, Tip Cleaner, Set, Spiral, For Gas Welding & Cutting Tips, Standard.Page 138

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