Rivet Setting Tools (Pneumatic & Hand) - (8 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 39001Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Setting, Hand Tool Kit.Page 517
2. 39003Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Setting, Hand Tool Kit, Stainless.Page 517
3. 39054Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Gun, Setting Tool, M-3 (1/8", 5/32', 3/16"), Air/Pneumatic Hydraulic, Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517
4. 39058Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Gun, Setting Tool, M-4 (3/32, 1/8", 5/32', 3/16", 1/4"), Air/Pneumatic Hydraulic, Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517
5. 39062Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Gun, Setting Tool, 302-E Air/Pneumatic Hydraulic (3/32", 1/8", 5/32', 3/16", 1/4"), W/Ejector, 2000 lbs WF, .812 Stroke, Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517
6. 39064Inquire at SIWSEA.Rivet Gun, Setting Tool, 304-E Air/Pneumatic Hydraulic (3/32", 1/8", 5/32', 3/16", 1/4"), W/Ejector, 4200 lbs WF, .875 Stroke, Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517
7. 85387-SETInquire at SIWSST.Jaw Set, Rivet Gun Tool Replacement, (3 piece set for 250, 300, 301, & 302), Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517
8. 88220-5-SETInquire at SIWSST.Jaw Set, Rivet Gun Tool Replacement, (3 piece set for 304-E), Alcoa, Marson, Creative.Page 517

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