Bench Grinders - Accessories - (3 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. D28754Inquire at SIWSEA.Cut Off Machine, Portable, 14" Wheel (1" Arbor Hole), Abrasive Chop Saw, 15 Amp, 120 VAC, Includes 1 Wheel For Metal, 1 For Masonry, Wrench, DeWalt.Page 493
2. DW756Inquire at SIWSEA.Bench Grinder, 5/8 HP, 4 Amp, 115V, 3450 RPM, 6" Wheel, w/Guards & Tool Rests, 1/2" Spindle, DeWalt.Page 494
3. DW758Inquire at SIWSEA.Bench Grinder, 3/4 HP, 4.2 Amp, 115V, 3600 RPM, 8" Wheel, w/Guards & Tool Rests, 5/8" Spindle, DeWalt.Page 494

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