Air/Propane Tips; Uniweld - (11 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. BP-1Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, small pencil flame, Gross Pro-Flame, Screw Connection.Page 128
2. BP-2Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, large pencil flame, Gross Pro-Flame, Screw Connection.Page 128
3. BP-3Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, small brush flame, Gross Pro-Flame, Screw Connection.Page 128
4. BP-4Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, medium brush flame, Gross Pro-Flame, Screw Connection.Page 128
5. BP-5Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, large brush flame, Gross Pro-Flame, Screw Connection.Page 128
6. BP-6Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-LP Specialty, propane (LP) or Natural Gas, ex-large brush flame, Gross Pro-Flame, HVAC, Screw Connection.Page 128
7. SM36Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-Acetylene Pencil Point 1/2" to 1" long flame, HVAC, Screw Connection.Page 128
8. SM38Inquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Air-Acetylene Pencil Point 1" to 2" long flame, HVAC, Screw Connection.Page 128
9. STO6MPInquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Heat Shrink, Air-MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, 1" Dia. Tip, 9" elbow, Screw Connection.Page 128
10. STO7MPInquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Heat Shrink, Air-MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, 1 1/2" Dia. Tip, 9" elbow, Screw Connection.Page 128
11. STO7RSMInquire at SIWSEA.Tip, Heat Shrink, Air-MAPP / propane (LP), HVAC, 1 1/2" Dia. Tip, 7" elbow, Screw Connection.Page 128

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