Portable Ovens - Holder (for Welding Rod Protection) - (7 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 1205500Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, Type 1, Capacity 10#, Preset Set 300° F, 120 Volts AC/DC, 75W, Phoenix.Page 403
2. 1205510Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, w/Digital Thermometer, Type 2, Capacity 20#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 150W, Phoenix.Page 403
3. 1205512Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, Thermometer, Type 2, Capacity 20#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 150W, Phoenix.Page 403
4. 1205520Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, w/Digital Thermometer, Type 5, Capacity 50#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 300W, Phoenix.Page 403
5. 1205522Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, Thermometer, Type 5, Capacity 50#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 300W, Phoenix.Page 403
6. 1205530Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, w/Digital Thermometer, Type 15, Capacity 150#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 600W, Phoenix.Page 403
7. 1205532Inquire at SIWSEA.Oven, Electrode, Portable Rod Storage Holder, Thermometer, Type 15, Capacity 150#, 100 - 300° F, 120/240 Volts AC, 600W, Phoenix.Page 403

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