Acetylene, Gas and Cylinders - (16 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. Ac-4.5CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style 4.5, Grade B, Fill range 140 - 190 cf..Page 19
2. Ac-4CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style 4, Fill range 90 - 160 cf., Grade B.Page 19
3. Ac-60CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style 60, Grade B.Page 19
4. Ac-JCF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSCF.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style JUMBO, Fill range 291 - 480 cf., Grade B *see note #1 on Part Detail, Multiply Cubic Feet x Unit Price To Get The Total Price For Each Cylinder Fill.Page 19
5. Ac-P40CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style POL-40 (Female Valve) CGA-510) w/Cylinder Cap, Grade B.Page 19
6. CAc-4
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-510 Left Hand Female Valve, Steel, Style 4, w/Cap.Page 19
7. CAc-4.5
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-510 Left Hand Female Valve, Steel, Style 4.5, w/Cap.Page 19
8. CAc-5
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-510 Left Hand Female Valve, Steel, Style 5, w/Cap, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19
9. CAc-60
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-510 Left Hand Female Valve, Steel, Style 60, w/Cap.Page 19
10. CAc-B40
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-520 Right Hand Male Valve, Steel, Style B-40, No Cap, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19
11. CAc-B40C
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-520 Right Hand Male Valve, Steel, Style B-40, w/Cap, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19
12. CAc-J
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, CGA-510 Left Hand Female Valve, Steel, Style JUMBO, w/Cap.Page 19
13. CAc-P40
Inquire at SIWSCL.Cylinder, Acetylene, Style POL-40 (Female Valve), Steel, w/Cylinder Cap.Page 19
14. XAc-10CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style MC-10 CGA-200 Male R.H. Valve, Grade B, (Back Pack Size), N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19
15. XAc-225CFS
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style 5 (225), Grade B, Short, up to 23" High, CGA-510 Female Valve w/Cylinder Cap, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19
16. XAc-B40CF
*Notes, *ER, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Gas, Acetylene, Cylinder Style B-40, Grade B, 6" to 22" High, CGA-520 Male Valve, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 19

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